Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Another late afternoon with snow falling outside my window. My music is blaring from the speakers and I can barely hear my cell phone beep as I receive texts from another bored soul down the hall. Both of us too lazy to walk over and see what the other is doing; know well that we are both laying on our beds listening to music and staring into a blank laptop screen. I had another meeting with my academic advisor this morning who asked me the question I was dreading the most: "what do you plan on doing with your degree?" I've managed to make it four semester now without answering that question, but now my future is approaching much faster then I ever thought it would. For 20 short years I have been living day-to-day, spending my money as fast as I can earn it, and traveling along in this world almost faster then it is spinning.
I lay here listening to my music looking at the pictures on my walls around me, wondering if today is the day that I slow down.....

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